Setup VPN in AWS

  • Create Virtual Private Gateway in “VPC” → “Virtual Private Gateways” and attach it to current VPC.

  • Enable route propagation in Route Table in “VPC” → “Route Tables”: Route tables

  • Add Inbound rule for local IPs of server(s) behind Vyos which you want to allow access from: IPSEC inbound rules

  • Create VPN connection in “VPC” → “VPN Connections” with following details: VPN Connections

  • In the same VPN section, select the VPN you just created and hit “Download Configuration” button. There you have to select Vyatta and download the config.

Setup VPN on VyOS

  • Add both ip addresses of vpn peers from Amazon side to VyOS access-list to allow IPSEC connection:
set firewall group network-group IPSEC_ACL network "<aws_peer_1>"
set firewall group network-group IPSEC_ACL network "<aws_peer_2>"
  • For new tunnel check for existing VTI interfaces and choose next two numbers for your new tunnel.

  • Set descriptions for vti interfaces, bgp neighbor and site-to-site peer:

set interfaces vti vtiX1 description "<AWS DC Name> Tunnel 1"
set interfaces vti vtiX2 description "<AWS DC Name> Tunnel 2"
set protocols bgp 65001 neighbor description "<AWS DC Name> Tunnel 2"
set protocols bgp 65001 neighbor description "<AWS DC Name> Tunnel 1"
set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer x.x.x.y description "<AWS DC Name> Tunnel 1"
set vpn ipsec site-to-site peer x.x.x.z description "<AWS DC Name> Tunnel 2"
  • Apply configuration generated by amazon (you can download it from VPC => VPN Connections => “your vpn connection” => Download Configuration)

  • Delete advertised network 0/0:

delete protocols bgp 65000 network
  • Enable redistributing kernel and static routes:
set protocols bgp 65000 redistribute "kernel"
set protocols bgp 65000 redistribute "static"
  • You can do some BGP magic to limit amount of subnets which are announced to Amazon.